Friday, November 7, 2008

Captain's Blog. . .

Why is it that the more I have to blog about the less I blog at all? I mean I could have blogged away about the fact that I broke up with my SO on Hallowe'en. . .could've blogged my angst at finding out I have skin cancer. . . or even the history making appointment of the first black president in the U.S. Perhaps the reason for my total lack of blogging in the past week is precisely because these things did occur. It's not as though I needed any extra incentive to think about or discuss these things. I guess I would have prefered to have less topical fodder for this blog; thus allowing me to bore my readers with the mundane randomness I set out to provide.


michelle said...

that is exactly it, the more you have to think about the less you want to talk about and the less stuff you actually have energy for. Plus sometimes when you have all that stuff going on and all those thoughts in your head, it's hard to make them actually come out into something that make sense :)

Stephen said...

Blogging is very much a thing that requires motivation. If you're not feeling up to it for whatever reason, it's not going to happen.

Snuffy is bang-on with her response. Try to dig around for some random shit to post and it's easier for the other stuff to come out along with it.